Honestly WhatsApp for iPad has taken too long and users no longer have the patience to wait for an official version. WhatsApp for iPad? It may be coming soon, though not natively. You can find the latest car and bike news here. You can also stay up to date using the Gadget Bridge Android App. For newest tech & gadget videos subscribe to our YouTube Channel. If you know of any other means or ways to access and use Whatsapp on iPad, do share with us in the comments section below.įor the latest gadget and tech news, and gadget reviews, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. In this way, you can set up and use Whatsapp on your iPad. However, this feature is not available across all the devices as of now. The Multi-Device Beta function of Whatsapp lets you use the app through multiple devices simultaneously without needing the primary device to be connected to the internet. Since Whatsapp Web pulls all your data from the Whatsapp interface of your smartphone, it requires you to stay online from mobile the entire time you are using Whatsapp Web from your iPad’s browser. However, if you don’t have access to Whatsapp’s Multi-Device Beta function, do not log out of Whatsapp on your smartphone or go offline. That’s it! You will automatically get logged into Whatsapp Web on your iPad, from where you can use Whatsapp just like you use it on your smartphone device.
Read also: WhatsApp Communities have been announced in an effort to improve group conversations Step 6: Scan the QR code displayed on Whatsapp Web on your iPad’s screen through the scanner that appears next in the app’s interface on your smartphone. Step 5: Tap on the Link a Device button and pass the biometric check. Step 4: Click on the Linked Devices option.
Step 3: Now, open Whatsapp on your Android or iOS smartphone and tap on the three dots in the top right corner of its interface.